Heart’s Peak Got a Makeover!

So it’s been a while since our last update. We didn’t exactly plan for a hiatus. Life got hectic, you know?

We released our last book in July of 2022, so nearly two years ago exactly. It’s been one thing after another since then. To put it very simply, it’s been pet deaths, new puppies, moving to new houses, renovating old houses, dealing with personal health and also health problems of family members. I’ll go into more detail below if you’re interested!

Book Updates

The reason I’m making this lengthy post is to share with you wonderful readers what’s been going on. We’re finally getting back to our writing. We’re going to resume Heart’s Peak 3, First Taste of Love, this summer and hopefully get that released later this year or early next year. We had about half of it written already before our unplanned break. I really think you’re going to like Junie and Sam, so I’m excited to get back into this one!

We also have the biker romance to release! If you follow us on Facebook, you may recall the posts about Danielle’s solo project, Under Wicked Crown. It’s an action-packed romance about Dash and Bambi. Dash is a biker who joins his late father’s motorcycle club, but there are secrets surrounding his father’s death. And Bambi, well she’s off limits as the sister of the MC’s leader. Dash knows he should stay away, especially when he’s got his own ulterior motives for joining the club. Bambi just isn’t the type to take no for an answer. So what happens with Dash? You’ll find out when we release this new book! We’re getting back to editing this one soon and hope to release it later this year.

What else, what else. Oh, the shifters, of course! Fans of In the Dog House will be pleased to know Kayden and Brielle will return. Danielle has recently picked up the pen for the Feral Crimes world again. Not only will a Dog House sequel be coming, but I’m also working on my panther shifter book. You know, my private investigator who can turn into a panther? I’ve been toying with the idea of releasing it in episodes on Vella. What do you think?

Heart’s Peak Covers

Heart’s Peak is getting a lot of love right now. The first three books, Completely Breathless, Redemption, and My Latest Mistake all got a cover makeover! Woohoo! I’m in LOVE with the new look. You can find these new ebook covers on Amazon and… well there’s more! Throughout the month of July, we’re pushing these three books to new retailers. We decided to remove them from Kindle Unlimited so that we can offer them to readers on Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and more. And yes, those retailers will have the shiny new covers. Gotta love them!

Personal Delays

I think that’s all we need to share about the books right now. I want to say sorry to you readers for disappearing. So, where have we been the last two years? Whew.

For starters, my kitten, my sweet Westley, developed FIP. Let me tell you, I was heartbroken with the diagnosis. That’s a very fatal illness and I thought I was losing him. But there was a treatment to try. Imagine three torturous months of giving a cat daily injections, and not normal injections like insulin, but medication that gives a burning sensation to the cat. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. It nearly broke me, I swear. But we got through the treatment, his FIP went into remission, and today he’s the happiest kitty. You would never know he was even sick! I thank God so often for saving my kitty, and for giving me the strength to do his treatment. He was barely a year old when he got diagnosed and he has so much life left to live!

Alongside that, my senior dog Toby was struggling too. He developed Cushing’s Disease and his muscles deteriorated fast. We got that under control with a daily pill, he was getting his strength back, and I thought things were looking up for him. Then he took another turn. He also had cancer. So last summer, I had to say goodbye. I’m still gutted over it. Toby was MY first dog. We had family dogs before, but he was mine. For fifteen years, he grew up with me. I used to joke that we greyed together. He was such a good dog and I miss him so much. Just typing about him now has the tears flowing.

Toby wasn’t my only loss. I also had to say goodbye to my senior kitty Jinx. She was the last of my three girls. She was, I think, sixteen years old and lost her battle with kidney disease. She was an innocent sweetheart. All she wanted was to spend her days cuddling us. She would get little colds in her old age, so I would put kitty sweaters on her to keep her warm. She looked so cute, let me tell you! She loved it too. She was a happy girl and I miss her too. She was my smallest kitty, my blanket burrower, and she’d get so happy sometimes with pets that she’d drool! She was a blessing in my life.

It hasn’t been all grief, though. I got a puppy! My Toby was a Dachshund Beagle mix and I found another! Toby was mostly Dachshund, and my new Indigo is mostly Beagle, both in looks and personality. They’re actually so very different, despite the common breeds and same color patterns. Indy has been a HANDFUL. I got him when he was about eight weeks old and it’s been constant babysitting ever since. Puppies are NOT easy. And Indy, he was a difficult puppy. He had some behavioral issues we’ve had to work through, on top of being as stubborn as hell and eating everything. But I love this mutt to pieces. Even though he royally pisses me off some days, other days he’s the sweetest little guy, and the goofiest guy, and I truly believe God gave me what I needed after losing Toby.

On top of all the pet drama, we had a plumbing problem in the house that led to flooding. We got that taken care of, and it’s led to a full renovation of half the house. I’m still dealing with that renovation now. I mean, there were two weeks recently where we went to Lowes almost every day! And we’re still dealing with this stupid fake fireplace that likes to leak whenever we get heavy rain. I can’t wait until we have all this repair work finished.

Plus, my health has been a struggle. Without getting into too much detail, I deal with fibromyalgia, migraines with stroke symptoms, hypothyroidism, ADHD and anxiety, and the alpha-gal allergy. Now I’m seriously concerned I’m developing arthritis. As you can imagine, writing isn’t always easy for me. Especially not when so much energy has been going to my animals and house work.

And that’s just me! Danielle had her own full plate to deal with. I don’t want to delve heavily into her personal issues, but just know she’s been extremely busy. She moved into a new house last year, and anyone who has moved before knows how much work that is. The new house needed a lot of improvements too. She’s had her own health issues, including a scare with skin cancer. Then her mom’s health took a turn (please pray for her!). She’s been taking her mom to a lot of doctor appointments and just generally taking care of her mom at home. As if that wasn’t enough, she also got a new puppy! Lulu is an adorable little Dachshund Chihuahua mix. With the way she wants to play fetch all day long, it’s a miracle Danielle can write anything at all, haha.

Seriously though, it’s been a rough couple of years. But we’re looking to God to get us through, and we’re feeling very motivated to get Danica Avery back on track. We hope to see you on this journey with us. ❤️


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